School Improvement Plan

Pine View Elementary Annual Plan
2019 - 2020

Last Modified at Aug 30, 2019 05:53 AM CDT

By spring 2020, we will increase the percentage of students who are proficient in literacy.

Recognizing that literacy is the foundation for all other content areas and is essential for success in college and career, it is imperative that we increase the number of our students who are on-track/mastered in English language arts. Based on the most recent data, it is evident that we should focus our attention on literacy in our grades K-5 in order to address the needs and concerns at the earliest opportunity.


Action Step

Person Responsible

Estimated Completion Date

Funding Source

Prepare to implement new, aligned curriculum Knowing that new ELA textbooks will be adopted and purchased in the 2019-2020 school year, it is imperative that our adoption committee and teachers explore the standards and aligned resources to be used going forward. Navigating this process will strengthen the evaluation of current resources promoting changes ahead of the adoption.

Benchmark Indicator
Educator will exhibit knowledge of content standards as evidenced by teacher growth scores, evaluation scores, and lesson plans.List of lead ELA teachers will be submitted to the county selection team.

Choose lead teachers to lead in textbook adoption for ELA.
Identify lead teachers with working knowledge of ELA standards and best practices.Select those teachers to represent the school on the textbook adoption committee.

Kara Spicer



Meet literacy block expectations
Schools in our district who exhibit higher percentages of students scoring on-track and mastery in ELA report a school and classroom expectation to adhere to literacy block expectations in grades K-5.

Benchmark Indicator
Instructional practice that aligns with the literacy block shifts: Improvements in instructional practices will be analyzed through Literacy walkthroughs  by administration and literacy coach three times per year: fall, winter, and spring. Student work will align to ELA standards: samples will be discussed at PLC's to determine if literacy blocks are being effectively implemented.

Monitor teacher lessons.
The administrator will monitor teacher lesson plans and schedules to ensure the guidelines for the ELA block are being adhered to with fidelity.

Kara Spicer



Continue with Read to be Ready tenets in grades K-3
Now that we have participated in two phases of the Read to be Ready initiative, we should now extend our knowledge and practice to the next focus: small group and independent reading.

Benchmark Indicator
Coaches provide high-quality coaching support:  administrators will work with coaches to ensure individual teacher's needs are met through high quality coaching support.Principal will provide high-quality feedback:  Observations of the principal providing feedback during post-conference will focus on grouping strategies and look for quality independent reading and small groups to be evident in lesson plans.

Utilize literacy coach.
Pine View will utilize the county literacy coach to provide support to classroom teachers during the implementation of small group and independent reading guidelines.The principal will also contact the literacy coach for quality materials for PLC's in Pre-K-3 related to the next steps in the initiative.

Kara Spicer

Dawn Hall
County Literacy Coach
Pre-K-3 Teachers



Initiate PLC's focused on student outcomes.
Topics will include:Developing small group instruction centered around student outcomes.Using formative assessments to drive instruction.Analyzing student work to determine deficits and mastery.Differentiation for all students.

Lead Teachers


Continue with Read to be Ready tenets in grades K-3
Now that we have participated in two phases of the Read to be Ready initiative, we should now extend our knowledge and practice to the next focus: small group and independent reading.

Benchmark Indicator
Coaches provide high-quality coaching support:  administrators will work with coaches to ensure individual teacher's needs are met through high quality coaching support.Principal will provide high-quality feedback:  Observations of the principal providing feedback during post-conference will focus on grouping strategies and look for quality independent reading and small groups to be evident in lesson plans.
Utilize literacy coach.
Pine View will utilize the county literacy coach to provide support to classroom teachers during the implementation of small group and independent reading guidelines.The principal will also contact the literacy coach for quality materials for PLC's in Pre-K-3 related to the next steps in the initiative.

Kara Spicer

Dawn Hall
County Literacy Coach
Pre-K-3 Teachers



By spring 2020, we will increase the percentage of students who are proficient in mathematics.
Recognizing that literacy has been a district and school focus over the last few years, it is understood that mathematics proficiency must also be included in concentrated efforts. We are not seeing great returns on our efforts to provide a unified curriculum resource, and we must address areas of inconsistency or lack of progress.



Action Step

Person Responsible

Estimated Completion Date

Funding Source

Ensure math curriculum is taught with fidelity
A few years back, our district purchased math textbooks aligned to the new standards. The focus groups connected to this plan report that many teachers are not using this resource with fidelity for various reasons including lack of training. It is imperative that we bridge the implementation gap to provide our students with the most effective instruction.

Benchmark Indicator
Teachers are using the instructional strategies and materials learned in GoMath training:  Coaches will use observations to track progress on use of strategies and materials.Principal provide high-quality feedback:  Observations and lesson plans will address the effective use of strategies and materials.
Provide quality training to new teachers.
Identify new teachers that have not received GoMath training.Collaborate with county math coach and develop a plan of action to have training for those teachers.Offer training session to teachers who are still struggling with implementation.

Kara Spicer

Patricia Overstreet
County Math Coach


Monitor Lesson Plans
Administrator will monitor teacher lesson plans and look for implementation and use of new math series.Evidence will be collected and used to conference and link needs to academic coach.

Kara Spicer



By spring 2020, we will decrease percentage of chronic absenteeism by targeting at-risk students in the subgroups of ED and Students with special needs.
Recognizing that chronic absenteeism directly impacts student achievement, Pine View will work to address high rates of absenteeism among special subgroups of ED and students with special needs. Within these groups, rates of absenteeism tend to be two to three times as high as the regular population.



Action Step

Person Responsible

Estimated Completion Date

Funding Source

Identify at-risk students.
Identifying students with a history of chronic absenteeism will ensure that  resources and plans are directed toward at-risk students.

Benchmark Indicator
Weekly attendance will be monitored on at-risk students throughout the school year.
List students who were classified as chronically absent in the previous school year.
This process will include:Look at data from previous year to identify individual students in the 10-20% absent category.View Records from Skyward to determine students with more than 2 days of absenteeism per month.Research excuses, looking for trends in parent notes vs. doctor's notes.Check attendance for first ten days of school, and identify any student with an absence.

Bonita Kindrick
Attendance Clerk

Kara Spicer



Develop attendance plan for identified students
Once students have been identified, a plan must be created to monitor and intervene if student begins to miss school.

Benchmark Indicator
Students will be on time and present in school.Parents will call the school if there is an issue that requires a student to be absent.Staff will monitor attendance on those students and inform the office when they are absent.
Attendance Team will meet with family and student to develop a plan.
The process will include:Developing an attendance team: Principal, Attendance Clerk, Guidance Counselor, RTI Interventionist, Classroom TeacherPlan will be developed through RTI program to target attendanceParents will meet with the team to discuss plan for school year.

Kara Spicer



Attendance Team will monitor success through data meetings and adjust as needed.
This process will include:Convening during data meetings to discuss student progress.Calling additional meetings with the family and Attendance Team, as needed.Looking for additional support from outside agencies if remediation is not successful.

Leslie Eldridge
RTI Interventionist



By spring 2020, we will increase the percentage of students with special needs who are proficient in the areas of math and reading.
Recognizing that students with special needs are underperforming at an alarming rate in both English language arts and math when compared to the general population. It is imperative that we increase the number of students who are on-track/mastered in both major content areas. It is evident from the most recent data, that we must focus resources and strategies to address the alarming deficits in this subgroup.



Action Step

Person Responsible

Estimated Completion Date

Funding Source

Strengthen Tier I instruction.
Tier I instruction is critical in order for students to experience growth and success. By analyzing the data, it is observed that teachers are really successful in teaching the middle, but lack the tools and resources for reaching those students above and below grade level.

Benchmark Indicator
Instructional coaches will be utilized to model and teach small groups within Literacy and Math blocks.Professional development and PLC's will focus on small group instruction and differentiation.Teachers will work to get students more time with text.Teachers will focus on allowing ALL students to have productive struggle with complex tasks.
Initiate coaching sessions for ELA and math teachers.
This process will include:Engaging educators in review of best practices for literacy and math blocks.Scheduling coaching sessions with teachers for modeling and collaborating to implement strategies such as small group instruction during ELA.Scheduling dates for teachers to see effective instruction from effective teachers within the district.Engaging educators in meaningful discussion centered around best practices and student outcomes during PLC's.

Instructional Coaches
Lead Teachers


General Fund [$400.00]

Improve the quality of RTI2 instruction.
Recognizing that RTI2 instruction has been an area of refinement school-wide, we will work to strengthen RTI2 instruction.

Benchmark Indicator
Regular data meetings will analyze the effectiveness of RTI2 strategies and interventions on student outcomes.Strategies and interventions will be done with fidelity and according to specifications of the given intervention.Fidelity checks will ensure that Tier I, II, and III interventions are being correctly implemented.
Implement Tier II interventions with fidelity.
This will include:Using data meetings to choose effective interventions for individual students.Purchasing approved intervention programs to assist Tier II and III students.Monitoring interventions by conducting fidelity checks.

RTI Coordinator


Title I [$4200.00]