Student Residency Questionnaire
This document is intended to address the McKinney-Vento Assistance Act. Your answers will help determine documents necessary to enroll your child quickly.
Student: __________________________________________________________ Male or Female: ____________________
Birthday: ______________ Grade: __________________ School: _____________________________________________
- Do you and your student live in a fixed, regular, adequate nighttime residence?
Yes or No - Do you and the student live in:
A. Shelter (other than a home or apartment)
B. Motel/hotel
C. Temporarily with another family in a house, mobile home, or apartment due to financial necessity
D. In a car or RV
E. At a campsite
F. Transitional housing
G. Other_______________________________________________________________________________________ - The student lives with:
A. One parent
B. Two parents
C. A qualified relative
D. Friend(s)
E. An adult that is not the legal guardian
F. Alone with no adult(s) - I am:
A. The parent/legal guardian of the above-named student
B. A qualified adult relative of the above-named student
Relationship: ____________________________________________________________________________________
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of this state that the information provided here is true and correct and of my own personal knowledge.
Signature: _______________________________________________________________ Date: _________________
Print Your Name _________________________________________________________________________________
Residence: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Street City Zip
Mailing Address: _________________________________________________________________________________
Street City Zip
Telephone: ( ) ___________________________________ Cell: ( ) ____________________________________